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Knowledge Base

Working with Service Providers

Add Value

First, you should add value to our data capture and collection technology. That value can be as simple as creating Services on behalf of your clients. Also, it can be as sophisticated as API integration to your own services.

Issue App-User Credentials

Whether you use our Web UI or our API to create Services for your clients, you can issue unique app-user credentials to each client. Then, instruct clients to download the CodeREADr app from the stores. If you’ve arranged for a white label version of the app, you would instruct them to download your app.

With those credentials, you automatically load specific services to their device(s) for recording, tracking, validation, and data collection. You use your expertise with CodeREADr’s web service so your client never has to visit and learn CodeREADr.com.


You can use several methods for your clients to access their scan records.

1) API: You can fully or partially integrate your services using our Web service APIs. You can find Our API documentation here.

2) Postback URL: You can use Postback URL(s) to record or validate scanned barcode IDs on your own servers. Details regarding Postback URL and DSU (Direct Scan to URL) can be found here.

In some cases, you may want your clients to create their own account on CodeREADr.com and insert the company-specific (or Service-specific) Postback URL you issue them. They would choose a standard CodeREADr paid plan and pay CodeREADr directly.

3) Download Link: You can issue each client a unique CSV download link for online viewing and exporting of filtered reports.

4) Third-Party Databases: Without any coding, you can use API-connecting services like Zapier or directly connect to cloud-based services like Google Sheets, Excel and QuickBase (look here for insertion of records into an external database).

5) Schedule Exports: You can schedule scan exports using Email, FTP, SFTP, Dropbox or S3.


Typically, CodeREADr’s billing is to your account(s). We create a special plan that best fits your business model. You can charge your clients as appropriate based on the service you provide. Also, you can have your clients set up their own account on CodeREADr.com. Then, they can pay CodeREADr directly (see Postback URL above).