Open SD Card Files (Android OS) with a Scan
With this advanced feature, CodeREADr can open files stored on your app user’s SD Card using our standard “Webify” feature. Then, users can view photos, PDF files, and other content even offline. Also, the content will load quicker than as if you downloaded from the internet after each scan.
Normally, the “Webify” feature opens web content. However, you can also set it up to open files locally on an SD Card. You can find the Webify instructions here. Also, here is an example to open SD Card files. For this example, we will assume that you have saved a PDF file manual.pdf in the device’s Download folder.
Instructions and Examples
- Place the file in the same location on all devices. /sdcard/Download/manual.pdf
- Format the special URL for viewing the file.codereadr:browser:file:///sdcard/Download/manual.pdf
- Include a link to the special URL in your Webify html code.
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