CodeREADr Paid Plan
Please see our Pricing Page for available plans.
The billing system gives your business flexibility and the lowest pricing possible to achieve your goals. If you have any questions, please contact
Billing Schedule
When you upgrade your business to a Paid Plan and submit the registration form and credit card information, we invoice for the first month’s use. This sign-up day becomes your account’s monthly billing day. Also, on the same day of each month, we will bill you for your upcoming month’s plan and any overage fees from the previous month.
Your business will get an invoice receipt for each credit card transaction or payment we receive. Also, if you add your credit card to the account, you will get one receipt per month on your billing day. First, you can expect the receipt to include the upcoming month’s charges. For example, it can be a ‘1-Device Plan’ or ‘5-Device Plan’, and any upgrades. Second, it will include any overage fees for the previous month, if applicable.
FAQs About the Paid Plan
Can we use CodeREADr for one month or month-to-month?
Yes. After upgrading your business to a paid plan, you can downgrade your plan at any time. It is your responsibility to go to your My Plans page on to downgrade before the beginning of your next monthly billing cycle. Likewise, you can upgrade again at any time. Also, there are no refunds if you forget to downgrade on time.
We just upgraded our business to a paid plan. Will we be charged for devices used beforethe upgrade?
No. Your billable device count is re-set to zero devices once you upgrade.
“You have reached your device maximum.” What does that mean?
That message is shown to your app users if 1) ‘overage’ is disabled on your Account Settings page or 2) you have restricted the number of devices an app username can sign in to. Note: Overage is disabled by default for new accounts. If you want to allow overage you need to uncheck this option on the Account > Settings > Billing Overview page.[See more info below on controlling users and devices.]
When does my monthly billing period begin?
It begins the day you upgrade from a Free Plan to a Paid Plan.
What does ‘overage’ mean?
If enabled on the Account Settings page, “overage” refers to devices that exceed the number included in your paid Plan. This was set up so your administrator doesn’t have to worry about exceeding the number of devices included in your paid Plan. Instead of overestimating, you can underestimate and potentially save money.
For example, let’s say you think your business will use between 10 to 25 devices a month. Selecting the 10-Device Plan includes 10 devices. If you sign in with 15 devices during a monthly billing period, those extra 5 devices will be billed at the end of that month’s billing period at the same 10-device rate. Thus, you don’t have to sign up for a higher Device Plan just to cover usage greater than 10 devices.
Be sure to cover the maximum number of devices you would use, including a spare or two just in case. If an app user tries to sign in to the app when over the limit, they will see this in-app message: “You have reached your device limit. Please contact your account administrator.”
Then, you can either upgrade your plan or enable overage. Both will take immediate effect.
What Device Plan should we choose?
1. Business Starter Plan: select this plan for 2-4 devices
5- Device Plan: select this plan for 5-9 devices
10-Device Plan: select this plan for 10-24 devices
25-Device Plan: select this plan for 25-49 devices
50+ Device Plans: select this plan for 50-99 devices
When is a device counted as included in our plan or as overage (a “billable” device)?
A device is counted as billable if your authorized app user signs into the device anytime during your business’s monthly billing period. The monthly count is not based on concurrently used devices but instead, it’s based on the total number of unique devices that signed in during your monthly billing period.
Can we use different devices each month and not be charged for devices used in previous months?
Yes. Your billable device count is reset to zero devices at the beginning of each monthly billing cycle. Only if that device is used to sign in again during the next cycle(s) will it again be counted as billable.
Can we delete a device from our account?
No, but as noted above it doesn’t matter because the billable device count is reset to zero devices at the beginning of each of your business’s monthly billing cycle. However, if that device is used to sign in again during the next cycle(s) it will be counted as billable again.
Does the SD PRO scan engine cost more?
Yes. SD PRO uses the device’s camera just as our standard scan engine does. While our standard scan engine is good, SD PRO is much faster and scans many more barcode types. The price for SD PRO is $5.00 per device per month and is in addition to your business’s monthly Device Plan pricing. You can add or remove SD PRO when upgrading or changing your paid plan.
Can we change your Terms and Conditions?
No. Changes should not be necessary. Our standard documentation is located on the CodeREADr website’s footer, which includes, “Terms and Conditions, Privacy Policy, Compliance, and Security Info”. We can consider special arrangements for accounts paying $1,000 or more monthly.
What are API calls and how do they affect me?
API Calls should not concern you unless you have your developers integrate your business’s third-party applications with the CodeREADr platform.
Developers: The use of our API is only available for accounts with a paid plan. We only count an API call when the CodeREADr server receives a call from a third party’s server. We strongly encourage developers to be efficient in the use of our APIs.
API calls specifically do not include any scans, searches, or history requests from the CodeREADr app to either the CodeREADr server or from the app to a third-party server. Also, the use of Postback URL or Direct Scan to URL does not use API calls.
Does CodeREADr have special plans available?
Yes. CodeREADr can create special business plans. Contact with your specific business case.
Can we pay by wire, ACH, or check instead of using a credit card?
We have a fully automated billing system when using monthly credit card billing. This is the most efficient and cost-effective option for our clients and it is our standard process.
Also, we can issue monthly invoices for international wire, ACH or check payments for accounts a) with at least a 10-Device Plan monthly for a minimum of 6 consecutive months; or b) the minimum annual payment (see below).
You must specify an email address for invoicing since we do not physically mail invoices. Non-US businesses must pay by international wire. US businesses should pay by ACH transfers. We do not recommend sending checks. However, we accept checks if there is no other option for your business. Payment terms are net 10 days on receipt unless otherwise agreed. For international wire, banking fees must be prepaid or be subject to additional surcharges.
Can we pay for a year in advance?
Yes. To determine the annual fee, you must determine the maximum number of devices your business’s app users will sign into in any given month of the year. Email our support team with this information and we’ll confirm your business’s annual fee.
The minimum annual fee is $540.00 for the use of 5 devices.
If you enter a credit card on the CodeREADr website there are no additional fees. If you choose to pay by International Wire or ACH electronic transfer (the US only), there are no additional CodeREADr fees but you must pre-pay all your banking fees. With checks, there’s a $40.00 processing fee.
Can we control who uses CodeREADr?
Yes. You create and distribute your business’s mobile app credentials (usernames and passwords) to your employees and subcontractors. You can delete those credentials at any time or remove them from any services. If you remove all services, they will not be able to sign in to the app. Therefore, their device sign-ins won’t count as billable.
Can we control how many devices are used?
Yes. When you create your app user credentials you can limit the number of devices that app username can sign into. If they try to sign in to the app over that limit they will get an in-app message: “You have reached your device limit. Please contact your account administrator.” You can change that limit at any time on the Users page of the website.
You can also limit app users to specific Services and elect to have those Services automatically expire.
We need to test with lots of devices. Are they billable?
They are billable if you use your paid account. If you want to test for free, simply sign up for another account under the Free Plan.
Do you offer support?
Yes. Our SaaS platform is a self-service web application that you can use to configure our mobile app for your business. It is simple and clear. However, you may need help with clarification or special considerations and we would be happy to assist. Support is free for business accounts with paid plans and for accounts expecting to sign up for a paid plan after their free trial.
Also, we have extensive Knowledgebase and Best Practices with Instructions. Use those articles to start configuring your “Services” (workflows). Then, ask questions on our website’s Chat feature while you are building your business workflows. Also, if the Chat team isn’t online, send an email to for a quick answer.
Can we pay CodeREADr to configure the app and services for our business?
Yes. We offer a paid consulting option to help you define your objectives, build your services, and generate your reports. The cost is typically $250. It includes phone support and training from one of our technical specialists.