June 3, 2013 10 min read

Enhancing Security Operations with Employee Tracking and Access Control Solutions


Attendance Tracking

Access Control

Contact Tracing


Revolutionizing Security Management with Advanced Employee Tracking and Security Patrol Applications

In the modern era of security management, the advent of sophisticated employee tracking and security patrol technologies has transformed the landscape. The CodeREADr app and web platform stands at the forefront of this revolution, offering unparalleled capabilities for security teams to capture, track, monitor, and report activities. This innovation is fueled by the widespread availability of cost-effective, high-feature smartphones and tablets, coupled with cutting-edge applications like CodeREADr, designed specifically for enterprise-level employee tracking and security patrols.

CodeREADr’s application extends beyond mere stationary locations such as building entrances, parking structures, and secure zones. It introduces ‘intelligent mobility,’ a concept that brings security operations to every corner of a facility or campus, ensuring top-tier security management and operations. Security personnel can leverage their personal or company-provided devices to generate real-time actionable data, complete with detailed, time-stamped, and location-specific reports for managerial review. This capability not only enhances the perceived value of security teams by management but, more critically, significantly boosts the security of facilities and campuses.

Top Uses of CodeREADr for Security Employee Tracking and Patrol Management

Clients have identified multiple key applications of CodeREADr in enhancing security and employee tracking efforts, including:

  1. Equipment and Infrastructure Inspections: Utilization across various sectors for monitoring the status and upkeep of property and equipment, ensuring maintenance adherence, regulatory compliance, and safety procedure enforcement through barcode or QR code scanning.
  2. Vehicle Monitoring in Parking Areas: Integration with existing access control systems for enhanced mobility and scanning of parking permit barcodes, or as a standalone tool for simple visitor and employee tracking with check-in/check-out functionalities.
  3. Access Control via QR Code Scanning: For facilities with or without existing parking management systems, CodeREADr adds a layer of intelligent mobility and detailed reporting. This access control practice includes database creation for vehicle tracking linked to specific employees or residents and issuing QR code stickers for easy scanning.
  4. Boosted Coverage and Efficiency in Security Patrols: By tracking patrols based on time and location, management gains valuable data to optimize routing and scheduling, leading to improved security coverage.
  5. Perimeter Control and Facility Lock-Down: Real-time status reporting of doors, gates, and locks through barcode scanning, aiding in identifying problem areas and enhancing security protocols.

Capturing Asset IDs and Enhancing Record Accuracy

For asset management, CodeREADr facilitates the scanning of barcodes, NFC tags, or using text/voice entry and database searches for asset identification. This approach not only minimizes errors but also provides a flexible, accurate method for asset tracking and management, crucial for both tagged and hard-to-label assets.

Innovative Case Study: QR Codes in Campus Security

AlliedBarton Security Services, a leading global security firm, exemplifies the innovative use of CodeREADr. By deploying QR codes across campuses, they have achieved remarkable improvements in patrol monitoring, asset management, and operational efficiency. This strategy allows for detailed tracking of patrol routes, identification of areas requiring attention, and immediate response to equipment or facility issues, demonstrating the transformative power of QR code scanning in enhancing security operations.

AlliedBarton’s success story underscores the effectiveness of integrating advanced technologies like CodeREADr in security management, showcasing the significant benefits of employing employee tracking, security patrol apps, access control, and barcode/QR code scanning technologies in modern security operations.