Contact Tracing Scanner to Track Attendance

apps and tablets

Enterprise App for Smartphones and Tablets

magic wand

Contactless Scanning of IDs and QR Codes


Field Proven Attendance Tracking for 10+ Years

Barcode scanner app for recording Attendance
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Check-in | Check-Out

Upon arrival, attendees present their ID for scanning (video). Also, you can scan the ID upon departure or scan it multiple times at any location.

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Capture Time & Location

Easily configure what data to capture by simply “checking the box”. Then, assign to your authorized app-users and view, filter, and export the resulting scan records.

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Distancing Practices

Attendees can self-scan by presenting their ID to the front-facing camera of an iPad or scanning accessory. Also, administrators can scan IDs from behind a clear shield.

Scan IDs

Scan Existing IDs or Issue New IDs

The app enables smartphones and tablets to scan existing IDs:

  • Standard barcodes (printed or digital)
  • QR codes (printed or digital)

Also, you can scan the newly issued IDs. Moreover, you can provision the barcodes for those IDs in several ways: 1) email using Mail Merge; 2) include with mobile ID apps; 3) issue on location with the attendee’s information simultaneously collected by the app. Barcodes can be an image on the attendee’s phone or printed on a wristband, fob, lanyard, or card.


You control the IDs. Also, you control what and how information is collected. Moreover, you control what happens with the resulting scan records, including the option to not store scan records on our servers.


Scan to our servers or directly to yours. Filter scan records based on your intended use. Auto-insert CSV to Excel, Sheets, or other programs. Upload via FTP/SFTP, S3, or Dropbox or export via email.


With CodeREADr, you can record when designated areas have been disinfected according to regulations. Also, it helps cleaning crews and supervisors see what’s done and not yet done.