April 25, 2015 • 10 min read
Optimizing Mobile Verification of Vouchers in the Humanitarian Sector
Enhancing Humanitarian Aid: CodeREADr’s Role in Real-Time Voucher Verification in Jordan
On March 4, 2015, the Norwegian Refugee Council (NRC) presented their breakthrough in mobile verification of vouchers at the Inter Agency Standing Committee (IASC) meeting in Geneva. This committee is a primary coordination hub in the humanitarian sector, involving crucial UN and non-UN partners. The NRC highlighted their pioneering project in Jordan, focusing on Syrian refugees. Roger Dean, the NRC’s cash and voucher coordinator in Jordan, shared insights on how mobile verification technology has revolutionized aid distribution.
CodeREADr’s Impact in Humanitarian Assistance
Several months prior, we discussed NRC’s innovative approach to using mobile technology for voucher verification. At CodeREADr, we are thrilled to support this impactful initiative. Our technology not only facilitates real-time verification of vouchers but also ensures data accuracy and security. We are proud to see the global applicability of our solution in humanitarian efforts.
Key Highlights from the NRC Presentation
“Mobile phone-based money is undeveloped in Jordan and regular cash was considered to present unacceptable safety issues in the context of Zaatari camp in particular. Vendor tie-in to third party e-card hardware would not have given the flexibility or control desired. A new, interim solution was required.”
CodeREADr: A Versatile Solution for Voucher Verification
CodeREADr, known for its applications in ticketing and asset tracking, has now proven its versatility in the humanitarian sector. Its smartphone app and cloud-database service offer a tailored approach for different needs. In this case, the technology enabled cashiers to efficiently validate vouchers using barcode scanning.
The Real-Time Data Advantage of CodeREADr
A key benefit of CodeREADr’s system is its capability to generate live, rich data. This feature allows for real-time inquiries during the scanning process, including various response types like text, multiple-choice, or additional barcode scans. This instant data availability on the web admin panel, along with options for detailed analysis and export to Excel, has empowered NRC to gain valuable insights into consumer behavior and shopping patterns.
In conclusion, CodeREADr’s innovative mobile verification technology for vouchers has not only optimized humanitarian efforts in Jordan but also set a new standard for real-time data verification and security in the sector.