December 30, 2013 10 min read

Optimized Barcode Scanning Attendance App for Effective School Management


Attendance Tracking

Access Control

Contact Tracing


Enhance School Efficiency with Comprehensive Barcode Scanning Attendance App

The CodeREADr app, a versatile and efficient tool, has transformed school management by offering a comprehensive solution for attendance tracking, asset tracking, and access control using barcode scanning technology. Ideal for both higher education and K-12 institutions, CodeREADr stands out as an exceptional barcode scanning attendance app, tailored to meet diverse educational and administrative needs.

Revolutionize Attendance Tracking with Barcode Scanning in Schools

Eastern Michigan University (EMU) exemplifies the innovative use of CodeREADr as an attendance app. EMU’s implementation of the app for tracking student-athlete and Greek organization attendance at Study Table programs has yielded significant benefits. This system not only validates attendance but also monitors the frequency, duration, and specific timings of each session. The positive impact on at-risk students’ GPAs and the removal of two Greek organizations from academic probation underscore the effectiveness of this attendance tracking approach.

Efficiently Validate Tickets and IDs at School Events

CodeREADr’s integration with over 50 event and ticketing companies has streamlined ticket validation at various school events. This real-time validation feature ensures smooth entry processes at sports, entertainment, and educational gatherings.

Monitor Free Lunch Programs Accurately

School administrators can now accurately track and report on the utilization of free lunch programs, ensuring transparency and accountability.

Advanced Access Control for Campus Security

CodeREADr’s barcode scanning capabilities extend to robust access control measures. This feature allows authorized personnel, including guards and faculty, to instantly verify student, faculty, and visitor IDs, ensuring secure campus environments.

Ensure Campus Safety with Verifiable Records

The app empowers authorized users to track and report on various safety aspects like fire extinguisher status, door security, lighting, and alarm systems. These verifiable records form a reliable basis for immediate action and long-term safety planning.

Streamline School Asset Tracking

Schools can efficiently manage their assets, including musical instruments, electronic devices, and other equipment, through CodeREADr’s barcode scanning functionality. This system simplifies the process of assigning and tracking school-owned assets.

Enhance Incident Reporting with Multimedia Records

CodeREADr supports the augmentation of incident reports with images (and soon videos), along with textual and voice data. These records are securely uploaded to servers, providing traceable and verifiable evidence for each incident.

Implement Enforced Rules and Permissions

CodeREADr also aids in enforcing school policies and student permissions. Faculty and security personnel can instantly check student permissions, significantly impacting student behavior and adherence to school rules. For example, if an institution has a policy restricting certain students from leaving campus during school hours, the app user can scan or look up the student’s ID using their smartphone and instantly see if that student has permission to leave.

Conclusion: Enhance school management and security with CodeREADr Barcode Scanning App

In conclusion, CodeREADr stands as a premier barcode scanning attendance app, offering real-time validation and a multitude of features like asset tracking, ticket and ID validation, and access control. Its effectiveness in enhancing school management and security is evident through various real-world applications, making it an indispensable tool for modern educational institutions.